The reason I decided to create this blog was because I was tired of the discussion (or lack thereof) that is done throughout the political scene. Whether it is the political ranting, name calling, exaggerations, or finger pointing that you often find political commentators such as Sean Hannity, Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, Glenn Beck and the whole slew of them doing, or just politicians in general that you feel you can't trust because they seem to say one thing and then do another, there seems to be a soul missing from what we should really be discussing about government and politics.
Don't get me wrong – I enjoy listening to political commentators. But I have yet to find one that I always agree with. They are usually too sensational or too opinionated for me to feel like they are always giving a fair analysis. But I do think they can often add value to political thought, sometimes providing legitimate points for thought and even action.
However, I'm tired of having to listen to a bunch of fuzz to pick out bits and pieces of truths that can really help this country as well as any other society in this world. I believe there are truths out there that don't change, and if we understand those truths, we can then reap the benefits that come with living by those truths.
I also believe that people are not as divided on what they want for this country as is often portrayed or felt among Americans. There are differences in opinion and even strong disagreements as to what is true or not true. In some of those cases there can only be one side that is right, but in many cases there is also the chance that we haven't yet dug deep enough to understand the underlying truth that everyone is trying to adhere to.
If it isn't already apparent, I lean a little toward what we in America call the Right. Yet I have a hard time labeling myself as a "conservative." Words can change meaning. A conservative in the United States today means something different than what it did a hundred or two hundred years ago. Even across the ocean you find groups labeling themselves as conservative who adhere to different principles.
I don't care about political labels.
I don't want to know what you label yourself as or what you label others as. I want to know what principles guide your thoughts and actions. I want to know why you think certain political actions are important and others not.
So if you are a "liberal" then why are you a "liberal?" If you are a "conservative," why do you classify yourself as such? Even if you don't classify yourself as either, what principles guide your current political leanings and vision for our country?
I want to know what makes you tick when making decisions or opinions on what the government should or should not do.
I'm guessing you could have already deducted what I am, but I consider myself to be a capitalist. I believe in capital markets. I think Adam Smith was right on, and it is the most fair system. That being said I don't really get involved much in social issues cause I think by in large the government should just stay out of them ("them" being any social agenda), don't support them, don't punish them (just let the capital markets take care of that). If people want something let them put their money where their mouth is.
I also like the constitution, I think it is a pretty good document to base our country on and I think many if not most of our current politicians don't have any clue what the constitution says, if they did they wouldn't be nearly as busy as they seem to keep themselves.
Don't know if you were really interested in my thoughts but that's basically them.
@Spencer, your thoughts were the only thoughts I wasn't interested in. sorry.
Of course I really am interested in your thoughts!
So why do you think capitalism is the most fair system and why shouldn't the government be involved in social issues? Is there a certain point that government should get involved in them? Or is it a 'never' sort of thing?
I think it is interesting that you consider capitalism as your ideal political view. Most people today find the word capitalism or capitalist as filled with negative connotations but you say forget that capitalism is the most fair system.
foiled again!
Well I think it's fair because if people are sincere about something then they will put their money into it. Otherwise they won't. Capitalism naturally rewards those who work to provide a product or service that adds actual value to the economy. It punishes those who don't. That is what I call fair.
I know capitalism has a lot of negative connotations but that's just cause people are ignorant and uninformed. They don't even know what it means, and the socialist media has convinced many people that capitalism is evil. The only time when I would concede that capitalism is an inferior economic model is the second coming. The only way a socialist or communist system can possibly be fair is if the person/group of people running the system are morally perfect, and that won't happen until the second coming. Those people don't exist. Capitalism lends itself to imperfections by allowing the market to determine what is adding value and what isn't.
I think the only reason the government should get involved in social issues is at a local level (State at largest). Since at a local level there are varying levels of what is considered socially acceptable and what is not. So this could be determined at a local level but I don't think it should extend beyond that. I have a lot of contempt for the Federal government as I think it is largely corrupted by people who lack any kind of moral compass. Further it has become so grandiose to become a part of the federal government that it becomes an aspiration of men, not for the opportunity to serve the country (fellow citizens) but because it will provide a means to advance their personal agenda.
Now the faults of capitalism: it relies heavily on people (the market) having good and true information. So some regulation could be required to establish and ensure the proper levels of integrity are met however this should be as limited as possible.
It also can be subject to significant volatility based on the perspective the various players (buyers and sellers) in the market maintain. Long term perspective it will be very stable, conversely short term perspective will be subject to high levels of volatility.
In the end it is the most perfect system because once the learning curve (understanding the factors that affect it) is overcome it will produce good results and provide a perfect incentive structure for economic growth.
Finally you now know I am the only true reader/responder on your blog so... I think it would be best if you would just cater your questions to me going forward :-)
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