Tuesday, December 28, 2010
111th Congress Added More Debt Than First 100 Congresses Combined
Thursday, December 23, 2010
How is Obama a Loser?
Personally, I really dislike many of the things Obama has been successful at getting through congress. Health Care Reform and additional bailout funds are at the top of the list, but not all inclusive.
But how is Obama a loser? What has Obama not accomplished that he said he would? Don't Ask Don't Tell was finally snuck off the books during the holiday season. I really can't think of anything left. Can you? If a checklist is a good indicator of success, Obama has surprisingly crossed much off his list and achieved a high 'not a loser' score.
So why do people, even people from Obama's same party say that Obama is a loser? That they aren't pleased with him?
It seems strange to me, they appear to be getting everything they wanted out of him, in record timing even. I don't get it. In fact all this loser calling is making me curious.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Tony Blair's Religion Debate and My Response
A couple of weeks ago in the news I saw an article about a public religious debate between former U.K. prime minister Tony Blair and the atheist and columnist Christopher Hitchens. It peaked my curiosity, so I read it and was not that impressed with the quoted arguments used in that debate on both sides. Although, interesting points were made. I also don't know if Mr. Blair or Mr. Hitchens are the two I would put into such a debate.
Most of you probably know that I am one who believes that a religion created by God for his purposes is the greatest organization for which you can be a part. And some of you, who have had discussions about religion with others may have heard, or made, the argument that religion has been the cause of so many needless deaths in the history of our world.
This isn't really what I would call a "debate response," it is simply the response ignited in me when I read the article.
Religion is not evil. The misuse of power is what is evil. Is government evil? Not inherently. Only when the power given to government is misused is it evil, or when government is given power it should not have. Is charity evil? Only when it’s true designs and actions are evil. Can different religions perform evil acts? Absolutely. But God does not perform evil acts, and he condemns anyone who misuses his name to perform those acts.
This life on earth, which was created by God, puts us is in a situation where we are created free and commanded to use that freedom correctly. In order to become something greater. In order to become like our God.
That freedom can be abused, and has been abused to do EACH and EVERY evil act committed on this planet. But that freedom has also been the foundation for EACH and EVERY good act performed on this planet. That freedom comes from God and so all good that comes from our freedom is of God, whether you choose to recognize Him as the source or not.
There is a God, God is truth. All that is good is of God and all that is evil is not. Man does not declare what is of God and what is not, God makes that declaration. Within each of us is the Spirit of Truth that can help us to identify what is and what isn't true.
However, if we limit the Spirit of Truth within each of us with our pride, selfishness, doubt, fear, laziness, unwillingness, or other limiting traits we are unable to hear the confirmation of truth that that spirit brings, and we are then left to our own reasoning. When that is the case, each person comes up with his or her own “truth” through his or her own reasoning and chaos can ensue.
One being knows all, and that is the being who created our souls. He IS the source of all truth. God has only created one religion. Man with the help of the Devil has created many, and done much that is evil.